Many health issues require keeping a constant check on the levels of hormones to maintain sound health and ensure recuperation. Gauging hormonal level is also crucial in proper diagnosis of conditions such as menopause, perimenopause, and hormone-related diseases such as adrenal exhaustion, hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Since most of the conditions have overlapping symptoms, drawing a conclusion and treatment plan based on symptoms alone can be difficult. Testing hormone levels can aid in accurate diagnosis and hence a good treatment plan.
Types of hormone tests:
Urine hormone testing
A very convenient method of hormone testing, it provides highly accurate measurements of the free and active form of sex and adrenal hormones, as well as their metabolites. In addition, urine hormone tests are easier to perform. However, dry testing may seem a little consuming as the patient is required to collect many test samples for 24 hours on a piece of paper, which is to be dried and tested later. The best part is that it can be performed at home as well.
Blood test
Performing blood hormonal test requires a patient to visit a diagnostic center to collect fresh blood samples for testing. It is the most preferred method of thyroid hormone monitoring.
Saliva test
Saliva is a good sample for hormone tests as it gives the accurate measurement of the free as well as a biologically active form of sex and adrenal hormones. This non-invasive testing method can give accurate results at home as well.
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